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Launching a Book on Kickstarter

How to Use Kickstarter to Launch a Book

There are a lot of strategies for launching a book including stacking promotions, building pre-launch pre-sales, creating buzz on social media, utilizing an ARC (advanced reading copy) team, doing a

7 Book Formatting Services for Indie Authors

Readers have certain expectations when they pick up an ebook or paperback book. One of those is that the book will be formatted correctly; standard margins, proper paragraph indentations, headers,

Book Marketing Guides

Launching a Book on Kickstarter

How to Use Kickstarter to Launch a Book

There are a lot of strategies for launching a book including stacking promotions, building pre-launch pre-sales, creating buzz on social media, utilizing an ARC (advanced reading copy) team, doing a

Book Writing Guides

7 Book Formatting Services for Indie Authors

Readers have certain expectations when they pick up an ebook or paperback book. One of those is that the book will be formatted correctly; standard margins, proper paragraph indentations, headers,