
Tips for Optimizing Book Backmatter

The back matter of a book is what you include after, “The End.”

Optimizing this back matter is crucial for engaging readers, building your fan base, and driving sales to your other books.

Here are eleven tips to help you make the most of your ebook’s back matter:

1. Coming Soon

Create anticipation for your next book by including a “Coming Soon” section.

Even if you are still working on the book, I highly recommend creating the cover and a book description for this upcoming book as soon as possible.

Then you can include those in this section.

If it’s up for preorder, include a Booklinker link to encourage readers to order it now.

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  • Boost international sales by geotargeting readers
  • Book store links update automatically based on availability
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  • Increase clicks with trusted links

2. Reader Magnet

Include a link to a site like CraveBooks where you have a free bonus or exclusive digital content that a reader can download once they provide their email address.

It can be a short story, prequel, audiobook excerpt or novella. It is preferable to have this relate to the world, characters or story the reader just finished.

Readers who have finished the book are interested in these things so it’s easy to “sell” them on additional content, especially when you are offering it for free.

Then they are added to your email list so you can stay in contact with them.

3. Also By

When a reader finishes a book and enjoys it, chances are they want to know what else the author has written.

The “also by” is a place to showcase a list of your other books. Don’t forget to include a link to each book.

If you have a series, this is the perfect place to include your Booklinker Collections link that directs readers to your complete series, with one link.

Highlighting your other books helps readers discover more of your works and can lead to increased sales as loyal fans.

Booklinker Collections

One landing page for all your books. 100% free.

One link for easy sharing of your books across your backmatter, websites, emails, and social media.

4. Follow Me Buttons

Readers enjoy staying connected to authors they like. Include clickable buttons or hyperlinks to your author pages on other platforms such as CraveBooks, Amazon Author Central, and BookBub.

Then when you release a new book, your followers will be sent a notification. This is a great way for readers to stay informed about their favorite authors.

5. Ask for a Review

We all know book reviews can be extremely helpful in getting a reader to purchase your book and positive reviews play a significant role in boosting your book’s visibility and credibility on online marketplaces.

They provide social proof that other readers enjoyed the book. There is nothing wrong with politely requesting your readers to leave a review if they enjoyed the book.

6. About the Author

Readers like to connect with authors and learn more about them.

Write a compelling “About the Author” section to introduce yourself to readers. 

You don’t have to get too personal. Share a bit about your background, your writing journey, your pets and maybe personal anecdotes that may resonate with your audience.

7. Website

An author website is an important part of your author brand.

Providing a link to your author’s website in the back matter allows readers to find more information about you, your books, and updates on future releases.

It’s also where they can find out how to reach you if they have a question or want to let you know how much they enjoyed your book. Your website serves as a central hub for your online presence and increases your online visibility.

8. Social Media

If you are on social media, encourage readers to connect with you on those platforms.

Briefly explain what they can expect on each platform.

Do you share silly photos of your cat?

Do you share writing updates?

Maybe you do giveaways or share exclusive content.

Doing this will hopefully get them curious enough to want to click these buttons and connect with you on social media.

9. Newsletter

Email Marketing For Authors

An email newsletter is a powerful tool for maintaining a direct line of communication with your readers. If you have a newsletter, include a link and invite them to subscribe.

Share with them how often they can expect to receive the newsletter and what they can look forward to seeing in it.

People receive a lot of email, so entice them to want to subscribe because of what they will get from you.

10. Excerpt for Another Book

If you have a series (or other standalone books) consider including an excerpt from another book. It doesn’t have to be the first chapter.

Find a scene that is intriguing and leaves the reader wanting to know more. At the end of the scene include a link to where they can buy the book.

11. A Short Letter to Your Reader

Write a personal letter to your readers. Share with tell them why you wrote the book or something that inspired you. Then express your gratitude for their support and feedback.

This personal touch can foster a strong connection with your audience.


Remember to keep the back matter concise and visually appealing. Use formatting to make each section stand out, making it easy for readers to navigate and engage with the content.

By implementing these tips, you’ll optimize your ebook’s back matter to engage readers, build your author brand, increase sales and gain a loyal fanbase.


  • Kerrie Flanagan

    With over 25 years of experience in the publishing industry, Kerrie Flanagan is a highly accomplished author, writing consultant, and writing instructor. As a prominent figure in the world of writing, Kerrie brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to help authors thrive. Her dedication to her writing is evident with hundreds of published articles and over 20 books in various genres, including 15 with her coauthor under the pen name, C.G. Harris.
  • Kerrie Flanagan

    With over 25 years of experience in the publishing industry, Kerrie Flanagan is a highly accomplished author, writing consultant, and writing instructor. As a prominent figure in the world of writing, Kerrie brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to help authors thrive. Her dedication to her writing is evident with hundreds of published articles and over 20 books in various genres, including 15 with her coauthor under the pen name, C.G. Harris.

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