
Writing and publishing a book is hard enough.

Between all the planning, writing, and marketing, there is a lot to do.

There are only so many hours in a day.

This is exactly why software was invented, i to make complex tasks easier for humans (and make some money in the process!).

The author industry is no different. There are tons of different software-based tools for you to use that will save you time

We are sharing some of our favorites and some notes on how they can be used, how much they cost, and what we like and don’t like about each one. 

Let’s get right into it!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Enhance Your Writing Efficiency: Utilize specialized software like Atticus to streamline the writing and formatting process, making it easier to focus on your creative work.
  • Improve Your Book Marketing: Tools such as ConvertKit and Booklinker can simplify email marketing and link management, helping you reach a broader audience and increase sales.
  • Optimize Your Publishing Workflow: Leverage platforms like Publisher Rocket and Lulu to gain valuable insights and access high-quality publishing services, ensuring your book stands out in the market.

Free Universal Book Links

  • Boost international sales by geotargeting readers
  • Book store links update automatically based on availability
  • Advanced marketing analytics
  • Increase clicks with trusted links

Best Author & Writing Software

Universal Book Linking Tool: Booklinker

booklinker home

We might be a little biased, but we had to include Booklinker on this list as we genuinely believe it’s a must for every author.


Well, a majority of authors have an international audience and most don’t provide links to a local store for their foreign readers.

It’s essential to provide your audience with links to the correct geographical storefront, otherwise will not be able to purchase your book if they land in the wrong store.

With Booklinker, you can host your book links under a custom vanity URL, improving the click-through rate and placing it under a beautiful landing page, that contains all the locations your book is sold + automatic geotargeting.

Did we mention that it’s a completely free service too?

What we Love

  • Free service
  • Increases the click-through rate of a link
  • Increases conversion rate of incoming sales
  • Makes purchasing your book easy for readers around the world

What we Don’t Like:

Word Processor: Atticus

Atticus is a book-writing word processor that makes it incredibly simple for authors to write their books (and format them for publishing) all in one place. Atticus has a ton of quality-of-life features that ease the laborious book-writing process.

Examples of some quality-of-life features include:

  • A book writing goal tracking system
  • Automatic formatting settings (custom themes or templates)
  • Reusable elements (Also Written By, Review Pages and CTAs, & More!)

Once you’ve entered a project, the interface is split into three main sections. The third column shows a preview of what your book will look like in different formats and on different devices (ebook, tablet, print…).

Atticus comes in at a price tag of a one-time payment of $147, which might appear pricey, but it’s much cheaper than the competition and includes all future updates to the product. It’s also nice to not have to pay monthly for something.

Atticus is supported on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chromebook. Books written inside of Atticus can be exported via ePub, PDF, and docx.

What we Love:
  • Super intuitive user interface
  • Not a subscription
  • Native spell check
  • Incredible customer support (and team!)

What we Don’t Like:

  • No Grammarly Integration
  • Image formatting can be difficult

Booklinker Collections

One landing page for all your books. 100% free.

One link for easy sharing of your books across your backmatter, websites, emails, and social media.

Keyword Research Tool: Publisher Rocket

Next up is Publisher Rocket. Publisher Rocket is a tool authors can use in the book marketing process, to help sell more books.

Publisher Rocket is best known for its keyword research tool, which scans the Amazon search engine to give authors unique insights.

After supplying the tool with a keyword, it will extrapolate more keywords for you to consider, giving interesting insights on keywords such as:

  • The average number of pages books have under that keyword
  • The number of competitors your book will have for the keyword
  • The average price for books under that keyword
  • Estimated monthly earnings

These insights are key when writing your book description, when running ads and when picking the category.

Think about it, Amazon allows you to place your book under three different categories, but there are over 15,000 categories and subcategories on Amazon.

Picking the right ones can really help to sell more books and increase your organic rankings.

What we Love:

  • Intuitive user interface
  • Fair price tag of $97
  • Free lifetime software upgrades

What we Don’t Like:

  • No Audible support
  • Not all international geos are supported

Grammar and Spell Check Tool: Grammarly

Grammarly is the first non-author-specific software we’ll mention on this list. Grammarly is a spell checker on steroids.

Not only will Grammarly point out common grammar and spelling mistakes, but the software also makes suggestions based on the tone or level of professionalism you’re going for with your writing.

If you’re not already sold on Grammarly, it also has a plagiarism checker.

There is a free and paid version of the service, with the main difference being that the free version only includes grammar, spelling, and punctuation suggestions. You can learn more about the plan differences here.

Grammarly integrates  in most places you’d need it to, from Google Docs and email clients to Linkedin and Twitter.

What we Love:

  • Free version
  • Transforms your writing
  • Great customer support team

What we Don’t Like:

  • Requires payment monthly/yearly and is “expensive”
  • Missing some key integrations

Email Marketing Tool: ConvertKit

ConvertKit was mentioned inside our email marketing services for authors’ post, so naturally, we’ll mention it here as well.

As an author, your email list is where superfans come to hear what you have to say.

There’s a much larger commitment or interest level displayed by subscribers of your list because they chose to give you their email address.

It’s key to use the right tool to communicate with them, and ConvertKit is our pick.

ConvertKit is super easy to navigate compared to many other email marketing services which is why it took this slot on our list.

Within seconds, authors can get their high-converting landing pages in front of new readers. This allows you to start capturing emails. Bonus points if you use their lead magnet feature.

Lastly, ConvertKit has endless integrations making it easy for all your book marketing to work together.

What we Love:

  • Beginner-friendly email marketing service
  • They will help migrate from other tools
  • Top-tier customer support

What we Don’t Like:

  • Not the cheapest email marketing service
  • Automations can get very complicated

Online Graphic Designer: Canva


Canva is one of the most popular online design tools on the market today, with over 110 million active monthly users. Canva is used by tons of authors to create book covers and generate imagery for their online book marketing efforts.

Even if you don’t have much experience with design tools, Canva makes it so anybody can create their own professional designs in minutes.

There’s a free version and a paid version, as well as a free trial, so you can test it to make sure it’s a great fit for you before committing any funds towards it

What we Love:

  • Free version and a free trial
  • Incredibly intuitive user interface
  • Endless integrations
  • Great value
  • Makes collaboration and sharing easy

What we Don’t Like:

  • Not a lot of custom imagery on the free plan
  • Online access only

Best Online Publisher: Lulu

Lulu is an online book publisher and print-on-demand service for independent authors. Think of it as the arch nemesis of Kindle Direct Publishing. Authors can choose from paperbacks or hardcovers.

The Booklinker and Geniuslink team recently used Lulu to print our book, Mastering Amazon Associates and were very impressed with print quality, user experience, and delivery time.

Their fees are slightly higher compared to other platforms such as KDP or IngramSpark, , but we thought they made up for this in spades with their quality and customer service, making it  well worth the additional cost.

What we Love:

  • Simple interface
  • High print quality
  • Incredible customer service

What we Don’t Love:

  • Slight higher costs


That’s all the writer software we have for today, let us know what you think of the list, and if there are any inclusions (or removals!) we should make to the post.

To recap, here are our favorite author software(s):

  • Booklinker (Best Link Management Platform for Authors)
  • Atticus (Best Word Processor for Authors)
  • Publisher Rocket (Best Keyword Research Tool for Authors)
  • Grammarly (Best Grammar and Spell Check Tool for Authors)
  • ConvertKit (Best Email Marketing Service for Authors)
  • Lulu (Best Online Publisher for Authors)

Booklinker Collections

One landing page for all your books. 100% free.

One link for easy sharing of your books across your backmatter, websites, emails, and social media.


  • Austin Tuwiner

    Austin Tuwiner is a growth marketer and a main contributor to the Booklinker blog. He is dedicated to helping authors increase their book sales.
  • Austin Tuwiner

    Austin Tuwiner is a growth marketer and a main contributor to the Booklinker blog. He is dedicated to helping authors increase their book sales.

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